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Yumiko Gallery|Avtivity|Large Format Photographers Association of Japan Exhibition 2021, Japan

■Large Format Photographers Association of Japan Exhibition 2021, Japan

Participation period:From March 16th to March 21st, 2021
place:Kyoto City Kyocera Museum of Art( Japan )

Large Format Photographers Association of Japan Exhibition is an exhibition of "Works of natural landscapes taken with mid-size to large film camera” since the first public offerings in 2004. Recently they accept the works of 35mm sized camera as well as digital camera. "Large Format Photographers Association of Japan Exhibition 2021" was hold at 2nd floor South Corridor of main building of Kyoto City Kyocera Museum of Art.

“Misogi no Mon” (Gate of Misogi) from Project 06 “Together with Meditation ~A better day today and an even better day tomorrow ~ was taken by Leonardo6- 8 X 10 Pinhole Camera and ILFORD 8x10 film assuming creating works based on the cleanliness from the point of view of Japanese.



日本大判写真展は、2004年の公募展開設以来、「中大判のフイルムカメラを使用して自然景観を写した作品」の展示会ですが、近年は35mm判 カメラやデジタルカメラ作品も公募展にて応募できるようになりました。「日本大判写真展」2021年公募展は、京都市京セラ美術館 本館 2階 南館で開催されました。

入選作品「禊乃門」は、プロジェクト06「Together With Meditation ~ A better day today and an even better day tomorrow ~」より、日本人の持つ清浄観を根源とした作品の作成を意識し、Leonardo6-8X10 Pinhole Cameraと、ILFORD 8x10フィルムで撮影した作品です。