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* Photograph Artist Yumiko Suga



Born in 1971, Yumiko Suga is a photographer from Kanagawa, Japan. In her childhood, she often visited her grandparents in a forest with abundant greenery and wood to produce fine Japanese handiworks. She gradually got interested in Japanese traditional craft. Yumiko started her career as a spatial designer and a producer of restaurants around 2004 and also began learning flower arrangement in 2006 after realizing that flowers had strong potential for lifting her spirit. The power of flowers resonated with her deeply. Now she believes that living in lush green nature makes us energetic and healthful both physically and mentally.
After a while, the profundity of photography attracted Yumiko and since 2010, she has been participating joint exhibitions. In 2015, started publishing a project of her artistic photography works. In 2018, Yumiko focused on creating future-thinking artworks that combine the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), which are global goals for humanity to continue to live in stability, with photographic art, and in 2023, she presented a new photographic artwork that considers the future of the earth (Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, September, 2023). Currently, she is working on the project "Reframing," a series of future-thinking SDGs-style photographic art.


やがて2010年頃から、「写真」という表現ツールの奥深さに興味を抱き、いくつかのグループ展へ参加。2018年、人類が安定して暮らし続けていくための世界的な目標であるSDGs(持続可能な開発目標)と写真アートを組み合わせた未来思考型のアート作品づくりに注力し、2023年、地球の未来を考えた新しい写真アートを発表(2023年9月 兵庫県立美術館)。 現在は、未来思考型のSDGsライクな写真アートづくり、プロジェクト「Reframing」をシリーズテーマとして作品作りを行っている。

■Contact Information

E-mail: info@yumiko.gallery

Personal Website: https://www.yumiko.gallery/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PhotographArtist.YumikoSuga/
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yumiko.gallery/

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